Under this Scheme, one-off grants are being made available to local youth clubs/groups to assist with their development
needs including supporting administration, programme and services costs.
Clubs/groups must be registered with the Kildare & Wicklow ETB to be eligible for the grant. Youth clubs/groups in Co. Kildare
and Co. Wicklow are now invited to apply for one-off funding, the maximum grant available to any club is €3,000.
Clubs/groups whose primary focus is sport are not eligible to receive funding under the terms of this scheme.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 12 Noon Friday 29th April 2022. Applications received after this date will not be considered under any circumstances.
Application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded below:
For any other queries or Information please contact:
ericcaffrey@kwetb.ie Church Street, Wicklow Town
Ph: 086-6002258
Lorraine Flynn/KWETB, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas
Ph: 087-1709546
The allocation of funds under the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme is made possible by the availability of National Lottery funding to the Youth Affairs Unit of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.