ALL Collaboration and Innovation Fund 2023 Information session
Scan the above QR code to register for an information session on the Adult Literacy for Life Collaboration and Innovation Fund administered by SOLAS & DFHERIS. The Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) Strategy aims to address unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs for people across Ireland.
The Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) National Programme Office is holding an ALL Collaboration & Innovation Fund 2023 Information Session on Wednesday 5th April, 3pm-4pm on MS Teams.
We are currently receiving applications for new and collaborative projects. This session gives you the chance to find out more about the:
- Adult Literacy for Life Strategy, its purposes & aims
- A broader definition of literacy
- 2023 ALL Collaboration & Innovation Fund, purposes, guidelines, and application process.
If you are located in counties, Kildare or Wicklow, please feel free to contact for further information:
Deirdre Gallagher, Regional Literacy Coordinator at KWETB,
Mobile: 087 1884355
Email: deirdregallagher@kwetb.ie