Quality Assurance
Quality Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board is deeply committed to best practice quality assurance within our organisation; our mission and vision both commit the organisation to the provision of high quality education and training as part of the core of our work. Quality Assurance is considered to be a central part of both the strategic and operational dimensions of the ETB and is reflected throughout our Governance structures and corporate reporting.
Within Further Education and Training, there is a dedicated unit working on quality under the leadership of a senior level FET Manager with regular reporting to the Director of Further Education and Training and onwards to the Chief Executive. The Governance structures of quality – Quality Council and the Sub-groups on Quality Assurance, Programme Governance and Stakeholder Engagement – are regarded as a critical element of the organisation’s corporate governance structure and are appropriately supported through the assignment of both membership and support from the Quality Team.

Quality Team
Contact Details
- Catherine Byrne
E: catherinebyrne@kwetb.ie
T: 086 815 9924 - Angela Higgins
E: angelahiggins@kwetb.ie
T: 086 815 9971 - Sandra Cleary
E: sandracleary@kwetb.ie
T: 087 199 0069 - Bernard Morley
E: bernardmorley@kwetb.ie
T: Mobile number to follow - Fiona Bradshaw
E: fionabradshaw@kwetb.ie
T: 087 909 2158