Craddockstown School – New special school 2024/2025

Current Vacancies for teaching, FET tutors, administrative roles and more

Investment of over €35 million annually to Further Education and Training

23 Post Primary Schools, 2 large PLC Colleges and 3 Community National Schools that are continuously serving the needs of rapidly growing population

Employer of over 2,200 people throughout your communities in Kildare and Wicklow

Over 14,000 certificates issued annually to Further Education and Training learners

Serving over 25,000 learners across the communities of Kildare and Wicklow

Employer of over 2,200 people throughout your communities in Kildare and Wicklow
A brighter future, learning with Kildare and Wicklow ETB

About Us
Kildare and Wicklow ETB, supports and co-ordinates education, training and youth services in Kildare and Wicklow. We specifically provide primary, post primary, post leaving certificate, apprenticeships, traineeships, youth services, music, community, outdoor and adult further education and training. We deliver excellent services that provide for the needs all learners in our community. Please browse through the website. If you cannot find what you are looking for or need more specific information, requests can be made via our Contact Us page.
Our Mission
To provide high quality and innovative education, training, youth and supports, which are accessible, responsive to the developing needs of learners, of the community and of society and which promote excellence, equality and social inclusion.

KWETB Map of Education and Training Services
Move your cursor over a map pin to get more information on delivery at that location.

KWETB Administrative Office Naas
KWETB, Level 5 Áras Chill Dara,Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
KWETB Administrative Office Wicklow
KWETB, Church Street,Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow
KWETB Training Services
KWETB, Suite 10,Osprey Business Centre,
Devoy Quarter, Naas,
Co. Kildare, W91 EE6D
Greystones CNS
Co Wicklow, A63 HH94
- T: 087 40074423
- E: greystonescns@kwetb.ie
- Website: greystonescns.ie
Naas CNS
Co Kildare, W91 HF68
- T: 045 875311
- E: admin@naascns.ie
- Website: naascns.ie
Brannockstown CNS
Co. Kildare W91 NY67
- T: 045 483729
- E: brannoxtowncns@kwetb.ie
- Website: brannoxtowncns.ie
Craddockstown School
Craddockstown School,Craddockstown Road
Naas, Co. Kildare, W91 HF68
Confey College
Co. Kildare
W23 VH66
- T: 01 6245322
- E: info@confeycollege.org
- Website: www.confeycollege.org
Curragh Community College
Co. Kildare
R56 FW68
- T: 045 441809
- E: curraghcc@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.curraghcc.ie
Gaelcholáiste Mhaigh Nuad
Co. Kildare W23 V9P2
Teaching through the medium of Irish
- T: 01 5054386
- E: eolas@gcmn.ie
- Website: gcmn.ie
Gaelcholáiste na Mara
Co. Wicklow Y14 DX27
Teaching through the medium of Irish
- T: 0402 91764
- E: gcm@kwetb.ie
- Website: gaelcholaistenamara.ie
Glenart College

Glenart College
Co Wicklow Y14 YR52
- T: 0402 32149
- E: glenartcollege@kwetb.ie
- Website: glenartcollege.ie
Greystones Community College

Greystones Community College
Co. Wicklow A63 RY64
- T: 087 0634196
- E: gcc@kwetb.ie
- Website: greystonescollege.ie
Maynooth Community College

Maynooth Community College
Co. Kildare W23 P2R0
- T: 01 6016041
- E: reception@mcc.edu.ie
- Website: mcc.edu.ie
Ardscoil Rath Iomgháin

Ardscoil Iomgháin
Rathangan, Co. Kildare
- T: 045 528196
- E: admin@ardscoilrathangan.ie
- Website: www.ardscoilrathangan.ie
Maynooth Post Primary School

Maynooth Post Primary School
Co. Kildare W23 X6X8
- T: 01 6286060
- E: reception@mpps.ie
- Website: mpps.ie
Athy College
Co. Kildare,
R14 KT50
- T: 059 8631663
- E: info@athycollege.ie
- Website: www.athycollege.ie
Naas Community College

Naas Community College
Co. Kildare W91 PD87
- T: 045 888817
- E: info@naascc.ie
- Website: naascc.ie
Avondale Community College
County Wicklow
A67 RR26
- T: 0404 46445
- E: avondalecc@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.avondalecc.net
Piper’s Hill College

Piper’s Hill College
Co. Kildare W91 RW14
- T: 045 897885
- E: info@phcol.ie
- Website: phcol.ie
Blessington Community College

Blessington Community College
Co. Wicklow W91 RD30
- T: 045 865170
- E: blessingtoncc@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.blessingtoncc.ie
Scoil Chonglais

Scoil Chonglais
Co. Wicklow W91 H5XC
- T: 059 6481449
- E: info@scoilchonglais.ie
- Website: scoilchonglais.ie
Coláiste Bhríde

Coláiste Bhríde
County Wicklow
Y14 WA00
- T: 053 9426318
- E: cbcarnew@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.cbcarnew.ie
St. Conleth’s Community College

St Conleth’s Community College
Co. Kildare W12 C432
- T: 045 431417
- E: admin@stconlethcc365.ie
- Website: stconlethscc.ie
Coláiste Chill Mhantáin

Coláiste Chill Mhantáin
Co. Wicklow
A67 TV21
- T: 0404 61863
- E: admin.ccm@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.colaistechillmhantain.ie
St. Farnan’s Post Primary School

St Farnan’s Post Primary School
Co. Kildare W91W520
- T: 045 868152
- E: info@stfarnans.ie
- Website: stfarnans.ie
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

Coláiste Chraobh Abhann
Co. Wicklow
A63 WF10
- T: 01 2870198
- E: reception@colaisteca.ie
- Website: colaisteca.ie
St. Kevin’s Community College
County Wicklow W91 R971
- T: 045 406000
- E: admin@stkevinscc.ie
- Website: stkevinsdunlavin.ie
Coláiste Lorcáin

Coláiste Lorcáin
Co. Kildare
R14 X620
- T: 059 9144167
- E: info@colaistelorcain.com
- Website: www.colaistelorcain.com
Coláiste Ráithín

Coláiste Ráithín
Teaching through the medium of Irish
Dublin Road, Bray,Co Wicklow
A98 X3A3
- T: 01 2865180
- E: colaisteraithin@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.ráithín.ie
Celbridge Community School
Maynooth Road, Moortown,Celbridge, Co. Kildare, W23 K2E6.
- T: 01 4853998
- E: admin@celbridgecs.ie
- Website: celbridgecs.ie
Coláiste Chiaráin
Celbridge Road, Leixlip,Co. Kildare W23RW14
- T: 01 6243226
- E: info@colaistechiarain.com
- Website: colaistechiarain.com
Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd, Kildare Town,Co. Kildare, R51 D288
- T: 045 535228
- E: query@ktcs.ie
- Website: ktcs.ie
Scoil Mhuire Community School
Clane, Naas,Co. Kildare, W91 PD79
- T: 045 868121
- Website: scoilmhuireclane.ie
St. Kilian’s Community School
Ballywaltrim, Bray,County Wicklow A98 PP76
- T: 01 282 8126
- Website: stkilianscs.com
St. Wolstan’s Community School
Clane Road, Celbridge,Co. Kildare, W23 RKA9
- T: 01 628 8257
- E: info@stwolstans.ie
- Website: stwolstans.ie
Celbridge Further Education and Training Centre
Unit A11, M4 Business Park,Maynooth Road, Celbridge,
Co. Kildare W23 YK2V
- T: 01 627 5673
- E: celbridgefetc@kwetb.ie
- Website: celbridgefetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Bray & North Wicklow Youthreach
Florence Road, Bray,Co Wicklow, A98 WN80
Maynooth Further Education and Training Centre
Manor Mills, Maynooth,Co. Kildare W23 V9P2
Naas Further Education and Training Centre
Jigginstown, Naas,Co. Kildare W91 FT54
- T: 045 866314
- E: abenaas@kwetb.ie
- Website: naasfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
St Conleth’s Community College Post Leaving Cert Courses (PLC) and Further Education
Station Road, Newbridge,County Kildare, W12 C432
- T: 045 431417
- E: admin@stconlethcc365.ie
- Website: stconlethscc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Kildare Town Further Education and Training Centre
Bothar na gCorp, Kildare Town,Co Kildare, R51 AX65
Newbridge Further Education and Training Centre
2nd Floor, Áras Sláinte, Station Rd,Newbridge, Co. Kildare, W12 XD45
- T: 045 448512
- E: admin@newbridgefetc.ie
- Website: newbridgefetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Arklow Further Education and Training Centre
Fernhill Plaza, Wexford Road,Arklow, Co. Wicklow Y14 AV27
- T: 0402 39680
- E: vtosarklow@kwetb.ie
- Website: arklowfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Wicklow Town Further Education and Training Centre
The Murrough, Wicklow Town,Co. Wicklow A67 V248
- T: 0404 64023
- E: wicklowcourses@kwetb.ie
- Website: wicklowfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Carnew Further Education and Training Centre
Newline, Aughrim Road,Carnew, Co. Wicklow Y14 YD80
- T: 087 9176508
- E: abearklow@kwetb.ie
- Website: arklowfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Naas Youthreach
Jigginstown, Naas,Co. Kildare W91 FT54
Athy Further Education and Training Centre
Carlow Road, Athy,Co. Kildare R14 D272
- T: 059 86320448
- E: infoathy@kwetb.ie
- Website: athyfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Marine House
The Murrough, Wicklow Town,Co. Wicklow A67 V248
- T: 087 4085238
- E: marinehouse@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetbmarinehouse.ie
- What’s in My Area
Baltinglass Further Education and Training Centre
Rear of Scoil Chonglais,Carsrock, Baltinglass,
Co. Wicklow W91 F4A9
- T: 059 64826428
- E: abebaltinglass@kwetb.ie
- Website: blessingtonfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Leixlip Youthreach
Mill Lane, Leixlip,Co. Kildare W23 K6K7
Blessington Further Education and Training Centre
Blessington,Co. Wicklow W91 HDH9
- T: 045 891099
- E: Blessingtonfetc@kwetb.ie
- Website: blessingtonfetc.ie
- What’s in My Area
Arklow Youthreach
Fernhill Plaza, Wexford Road,Arklow, Co. Wicklow Y14 AV27
- T: 0402 39680
- E: sharonhughes@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.arklowfetc.ie/youthreach
- What’s in My Area
Bray Adult Education Centre
Block E, Bray Civic Centre,Main St, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 R6W4
- T: 01 5242796
- E: vtosbray@kwetb.ie
- Website: baec.ie
- What’s in My Area
Wicklow Town Youthreach
The Murrough, Wicklow Town,Co. Wicklow A67 V248
- T: 0404-64023
- E: arwenfinch@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.wicklowfetc.ie/youthreach
- What’s in My Area
West Wicklow Youthreach
Blessington FETC, Blessington,Co. Wicklow W91 HDH9
Bray Further Education and Training Centre
1 Brennan’s Parade, Bray,Co. Wicklow A98 D9X0
- T: 01 276 1350
- E: abebray@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetb.ie
- What’s in My Area
Bray Institute of Further Education
Novara Avenue, Bray,Co. Wicklow A98 ND89
- T: 01 2829668
- E: bifeenquiries@kwetb.ie
- Website: bife.ie
- What’s in My Area
Baltinglass Outdoor Education and Training Centre
Weavers Square, Baltinglass,Co. Wicklow, W91 F3CH
- T: 059 6481002/0596481747
- E: baltinglassoec@kwetb.ie
- Website: baltinglassoec.com
Music Generation Wicklow
KWETB Admin OfficesChurch Street, Wicklow Town,
Co. Wicklow
- T: 0404 60505
- E: annemariebeaumont@kwetb.ie
- Website: musicgenerationwicklow.ie
Music Generation Kildare
KWETB, Level 5 Áras Chill Dara,Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
- T: 045 988 000
- E: AlanCostello@kwetb.ie
- Website: musicgeneration.ie
Shelton Abbey
Shelton Abbey, Shelton,Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Y14 T638
Youth Development Officer Wicklow
KWETB, Church Street,Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow
Youth Development Officer Kildare
KWETB, Level 5 Áras Chill Dara,Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
Arklow Youthreach
Fernhill Plaza, Wexford Road,Arklow, Co. Wicklow Y14 AV27
- T: 0402 39680
- E: sharonhughes@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.arklowfetc.ie/youthreach
- What’s in My Area
Wicklow Town Youthreach
The Murrough, Wicklow Town,Co. Wicklow A67 V248
- T: 0404-64023
- E: arwenfinch@kwetb.ie
- Website: www.wicklowfetc.ie/youthreach
- What’s in My Area
Kildare Town Adult Guidance Service
Kidare Town FETC, Bothar na gCorp, Kildare Town,Co Kildare, R51 AX65
- T: (045) 522 003
- E: guidancekildare@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetbguidanceservice.ie
- What’s in My Area
Baltinglass Adult Guidance Service
Rear of Scoil Chonglais,Carsrock, Baltinglass,
Co. Wicklow W91 F4A9
Carnew Adult Guidance Service
Newline, Aughrim Road, Carnew,Co. Wicklow Y14 YD80
- T: 01-2764638
- E: guidancewestwicklow@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetbguidanceservice.ie
- What’s in My Area
Kildare Adult Guidance Service
2nd Floor, Áras Sláinte, Station Rd,Newbridge, Co. Kildare, W12 XD45
Bray Adult Guidance Service
1 Brennan’s Parade, Bray,Co. Wicklow A98 D9X0
- T: 01 2764638
- E: Guidancebray@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetbguidanceservice.ie
- What’s in My Area
Arklow Adult Guidance Service
Fernhill Plaza, Wexford Road,Arklow, Co. Wicklow Y14 AV27
- T: 087 7074669 and 087 7067953
- E: guidancearklow@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetbguidanceservice.ie
- What’s in My Area
Athy Adult Guidance Service
Athy FETC, Carlow Road,Athy,
R14D272, Co. Kildare
Maynooth and Celbridge Adult Guidance Service
Unit A11, M4 Business Park,Maynooth Road, Celbridge,
Co. Kildare, W23 YK2V
Blessington Adult Guidance Service
Blessignton FETC, Blessington,Co. Wicklow W91 HDH9
Newbridge Adult Guidance Service
2nd Floor, Áras Sláinte, Station Rd,Newbridge, Co. Kildare, W12 XD45
- T: 045 448512
- E: guidancenewbridge@kwetb.ie
- Website: kwetbguidanceservice.ie
- What’s in My Area
Wicklow Town Adult Guidance Service
The Murrough, Wicklow Town,Co. Wicklow A67 V248
- T: 087 7074669
- T: 087 7067953
Naas Adult Guidance Service
Jigginstown, Naas,Co. Kildare W91 FT54